Student Justin TenEyck is driven to succeed in technology. People aren’t robots. But, can robots
Military veteran and stay-at-home mom creates one-of-a-kind jewelry from quarters and pennies. Story: Theresa Campbell
Story: Amanda Valderrama // Photo: Fred Lopez After an injury, local artist Carrie Knupp found
If your idea of a “historian” is a rather bland, even boring personality, then you’ve
Story: Leigh Neely They are five guys who are full of energy and music. You can
Story: Theresa Campbell PHOTO: FRED LOPEZ “We all have a story to tell, and this
Author Ray Moore is a dapper Englishman who loves living in The Villages and writing
Photo: Fred Lopez The Historic State Theatre in Eustis keeps an eye on the future
Moonlight Players Theater in Clermont is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Founded by Jan