LEESBURG, Fla. — A dramatic rescue unfolded Tuesday afternoon as firefighters responded to a
Hallie Edwards, a senior at Mount Dora Christian Academy, was named Queen of Cotillion
A new Liberty Tree now stands in Veterans Memorial Park, serving as a powerful symbol
Lake County Schools is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 Educational Choice Transfer (ECT) program,
Three Lake County teachers who are relatively new in their careers have been named finalists
Duke the Duck, the world’s largest rubber duck, made its grand appearance as part of
OXFORD, Fla. — Family, friends, and community members will gather on Friday, February 21,
The City of Eustis is excited to announce a world record attempt during this year’s
The Georgefest 2025 celebrations continued in style as Jada Carter was crowned Miss Georgefest 2025,
Lake County, FL – Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC) is celebrating its nursing graduates who
The state of Florida mourns the loss of Senator Geraldine Thompson, a trailblazing leader, educator,
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Bureau recently conducted a three-day human trafficking operation,
On this episode of the Healthy Living podcast, we chat with Lisa Honka, Founder
Other stories this week: 🔹 Lake County Florida Animal Shelter waives adoption fees
In response to soaring egg prices and grocery store purchasing limits, Clermont officials have approved
The 10th annual Running of the Georges 5K and Kids Fun Run kicked off the
The legendary disco group Village People is set to take center stage at the Savannah
LADY LAKE, Fla. — A group of 30 Civics students from The Villages Buffalo
Rasheen Bailey, known as "Hood Fishing Legend" to his growing legion of followers,
Other stories this week: 🔹 Grandpa Joe's Candy Shop - Leesburg, FL opens