Looking for somewhere unique to take the kids for some fall-inspired fun, but also need
When gyms were closed due to coronavirus, Carroll Jaskulski and his wife Rozann Abato decided
Just as many local parents were celebrating their empty nests, their kids are boomeranging back
If one were to visit Yummi’s Frozen Yogurt and Cafe, 650 8th Street in downtown
The Lake County Board of County Commissioners proclaimed September 8, 2020 as “Orlando Cat Café
Left to right: Teen Miss Mercedes Perry, Tiny Miss Alexis Blasky, Miss Leesburg Kamryn
September is “Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month.” We know, it sounds bizarre, but
As of July 31, Lake County ranks 13th among Florida’s 67 counties in the number
Reunited and it feels so good The Lake County Animal Shelter is using a facial
From ‘ruff’ to refined Sit, stay, heel. Now here’s a command for dog owners: As