City officials announced Friday that the award-winning Salt Shack has leased a lakefront restaurant
Brittany Montgomery, an English language teacher at Carver Middle School in Leesburg, was crowned
The Final Leesburg Basketball Senior Night On Original Court! The Final class ever
The End Of An Era! Well this is it folks, the final regular
Wynter Craft Perhaps one of the biggest signings for the softball program was
Comedy There are many benefits to laughter and that’s no joke. Laughter can
Award-winning Country music artist Michael Ray has had multiple top hits including “Kiss You
Which Schools Will Make The Playoffs? The end of the High School Boys
Balloons, Live Entertainment, Food Vendors and More! Each year it seems The Villages
Goodby Grass Hello Artificial Turf South Sumter is coming off one of its
Ethon Cole Is Headed To Purdue University! In a signing ceremony that took
The Question Everyone was asking is did they make it? The Answer - YES!!
Mount Dora Christian Academy's Isaiah Bryant Is Headed To Navy! To play football
Members of the Lake County School Board and the Education Foundation of Lake County surprised
This weekend is filled with holiday favorites like parades, tree lightings and winter wonderlands.
Leesburg's first one-day music festival, JamBurg ’22, is coming this Saturday to Pat Thomas
The Clermont Police Department COPPS Unit was awarded the Crime Prevention Unit of the
On Saturday, thousands of people across the world will “walk for freedom,” bringing awareness
Ian now has a maximum sustained wind speed of 120mph. The Hurricane Warning
Fishing League Worldwide (FLW) has announced its schedule for the 2020 season of “FLW Fishing,”